Fruity Chlorella Smoothie | Via Goop




½ cup frozen blueberries

½ cup frozen raspberries

½ cup frozen peaches

1 cup coconut water

½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger

½ teaspoon chlorella (optional)

This recipe from the annual Goop detox is packed with antioxidant-rich berries, peaches, and a little bit of ginger. In case you didn't know — chlorella is a type of fresh water, green algae primarily known for its detoxifying benefits. It's an excellent source of chlorophyll and protein, and blends up wonderfully into a smoothie! 


1. Find the full recipe and instructions on goop.

NOTE: We were out of blueberries so I added extra raspberries, which made the smoothie's colour extra pink.

Originally featured in The Annual goop Detox